Licensed PTA training in San Antonio Texas from Reyes Nino in 2024

Best rated physical therapist training in San Antonio Texas by Reyes Nino: Physical therapist assistants are educated and licensed clinicians who provide care under the direction and supervision of a licensed physical therapist. Physical therapist assistants implement components of patient care, obtain data related to the treatment provided, and collaborate with the physical therapist to modify care as necessary. As a team physical therapists and physical therapist assistants work to help people improve movement function. Read additional info on Reyes Nino New Braunfels Texas.

If a rehab staffing agency, home health company or facility hires you as an independent contractor they do not have to match the FICA tax rate because you are not an employee. Most responsible companies legitimately hire independent contracting physical, occupational, speech therapist and therapy assistants to supplement their staffing needs while others hire because just to save on employee tax expenses and add to their bottom line.

One of the top pros of being a physical therapist assistant is that you can quite literally make a pretty good living. The average annual salary for PTAs is $59,440, and you might be able to bump that number up even more by working overtime during certain times of the year. Earning such a good salary means that you will be able to afford the finer things in life. Suppose you have dreamed of having a massive house with a hot tub in the backyard, being able to afford nice vacations, or just finally being able to have that dream wedding one day because your salary gives you some security. In that case, it is time to go for it.

Physical therapist education in New Braunfels Texas with Reyes Nino 2024: Physical Therapist Assistants (PTAs) are directly involved in patient care. They are members of a team dedicated to helping patients recover their strength and mobility to perform daily activities. Some of the treatments that PTAs offer include functional training, exercise, and manual therapy. They are also responsible for obtaining and recording data regarding the patient’s treatments and progress. To become a Physical Therapist Assistant, you’ll need to obtain an associate’s degree from an accredited program. PTA school can be a challenging experience for many students. To help you get a head start, we developed this comprehensive guide to provide tips, tricks, and resources you will need to enter PTA school confidently. Discover even more details at

Physical therapists (PTs), not PTA’s, determine the patient’s actual treatment for their condition, that is outside the scope of practice for a physical therapist assistant. Physical therapy assistants will document the patient’s progress and report to the physical therapist. They must be able to work closely with people who have a wide range of problems and assist them in performing routine tasks. Where Does A Physical Therapist Assistant Work? You will find physical therapist assistants working in many different settings throughout the healthcare system. They are commonly employed by hospitals, outpatient clinics, nursing homes, home health agencies, the school system, and private practices.

Reyes Nino is a Texas licensed PTA who has worked in all aspects of the rehabilitation industry, from Rehabilitation Technician and licensed PTA to Corporate Manager, President, Owner, and Operator of two multimillion dollar staffing agencies. He entered the staffing industry in 1994 as the owner and operator of a San Antonio, Texas based staffing agency providing per diem, travel, and permanent staffing services to companies throughout the nation. He sold SingleSource Staffing to CareerStaff Unlimited, a subsidiary of Sun HealthCare Group, Inc, at the time one of the largest publicly traded healthcare companies in the nation. He now utilizes his staffing knowledge to help others contract themselves out to healthcare facilities, home health agencies and school systems at rates equivalent to those charged by local and national staffing agencies.