Top rated Among Us advices today

Best rated Among Us advices with However, as an Impostor, you can simply stand close to the sabotaged panel pretending to fix it, and the other players might not notice that you’re actually faking it, letting the timer run down. By the time they realize you’re faking, it might be too late, and you’ll have won via having the timer expire. Instead of pretending to fix these emergencies, you can actually fix them for real in order to gain your Crewmates’ trust. If you’re the one fixing the emergencies, there’s no way you can be the Impostor, right? After all, why would the Impostor want to save everyone, right? …Right? This is the best way to create confusion among Crewmates and remove suspicion from yourself. However, don’t overdo it and fix the sabotaged rooms every single time; it’d look suspicious if the same player is always fixing the O2, Reactor, and Lights. Discover extra info at among us.

Always vote with the group: Being an imposter requires you to avoid any kind of suspicion. Do not vote unless there is solid proof against the player you want out. Voting differently than the other crewmates is the easiest way to raise eyebrows, and you do not want that, so always vote with the group. Eliminate your victims wisely: Since the imposters cannot complete any tasks, including the visual tasks which are used to prove one’s innocence. You need to eliminate the crewmates who have done such tasks and earned the trust of the group because, ultimately, you do not want these crewmates to get together and make strategies to find the imposter. Do not kill the crewmates, which can help you blend in with the group.

Players should also be wary if exiting a room after using a vent. If players exit a room that no other Cremate saw them enter in the first place, it is bound to raise suspicion. Therefore, it is advised to exit a room when nobody is around so that the imposter is not outed by other players. It is also advisable for Among Us Imposters to close the vent each time they exit it as it can also raise suspicion amongst Cremates. Once inside the Vents, players will see arrows that can point them in the directions of the connected Vents in other rooms. They can select where to go next, or remain in the Vents to hide. It is important to note that Imposters can only shift between a series of two or three rooms in Among Us, so players need to plan their movements in advance as they cannot move around the entire map. While in hiding, the cooldown times for the Kill and Sabotage buttons will be paused until the Impostor leaves the Vent. If players are waiting to jump out and make a kill, they may want to wait to enter the Vent until the cooldown has reset.

Teamwork always results in excellent results and achievements. The same goes with this game. If you stay and move in a group, the imposters will not be able to assassinate you. Stick to the goal of avoiding getting killed than killing. If there comes a situation where there is more than one imposter, then staying in the group will help you stay alive and protected for the long run. At the same time, one of the crew members needs to be at a little distance to see if someone is trying to kill another crew member in the group.

How To Play Among Us game? The game requires 4-10 players and places them in astronaut gear of spaceship crew. Among these crewmates, one or sometimes three crew members are “imposters” who aim to kill the crewmates, whereas the other crew members want to escape unharmed. In order to win the game, the crewmates have to avoid being killed and complete their given tasks, which have been assigned to them in the three maps of the game. The players can detect and vote off the imposters in the crew meetings.