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Knowledgeable designers recognize such cost-saving and quality-improvement methods and specify them in the manufacturing process. The consistency attainable with such methods surpasses that of sophisticated jigs and fixtures but the greatest value is the cost efficiency. Additionally, these techniques can be used for fillet welding applications, and mechanical assemblies. A refinement of resistance spot welding is resistance projection welding (RPW). It makes use of projections previously formed on the workpiece to reduce the power required to make a resistance weld. Consequently, multiple welds can be made more easily at the same time, and thicker sections can be joined more readily than in RSW. Other advantages include reduced shunting effects, closer weld-to-weld spacing and welding of workpieces with smaller flanges.

Start off by drilling 7.5mm holes in the front sheet of metal at a spacing of normally 25mm to 40mm (or whatever the original spot weld spacing was). Then clamp this sheet onto the back sheet. 7.5mm is a reasonably good hole size for 0.8 or 1.0mm sheet. Thicker sheet might require a slightly larger hole size. Try a little test piece out like this one before welding a whole sill onto a car and check the weld has penetrated through both sheets.

Spot welding is a resistance welding process that is used primarily for welding two or more metal sheets together by applying pressure and heat to the weld area. It works by contacting copper alloy electrodes to the sheet surfaces, whereby pressure and electric current are applied and heat is generated by the passage of current through resistive materials such as low carbon steels. Read extra details on Tecna Spot Welder Price.

As is often the case with machine tools, there are two types: portable (for ease of use but with limited performance); and stationary (better suited to intensive work and thicker metal sheet).