Searching the best hangover remedy? The caffeine in Coke, which constricts the brain’s blood vessels, can also help curb a pounding headache, says Kevin Strang, Ph.D., a distinguished faculty associate at University of Wisconsin Madison who has been teaching a course on how alcohol affects the body for 18 years. Meanwhile, Mexican soda can deliver additional benefits: Unlike U.S. versions filled with high-fructose corn syrup, Coke from our neighbors to the south is sweetened with plain old sugar that raises your body’s glucose levels even more quickly than conventional sodas, Strang explains.
People may prefer to use anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen or naproxen, for pain relief instead. Rehydrating the body by drinking water may help to improve the symptoms of a hangover. Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that it increases the amount of urine a person passes. The resulting loss in fluid can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances. These factors contribute to a hangover. Staying hydrated while drinking alcohol could help to prevent or reduce a hangover. People can try drinking a glass of water between alcoholic drinks and just before bed.
Hangovers seem to be the body’s way of reminding us about the hazards of overindulgence. Physiologically, it’s a group effort: Diarrhea, fatigue, headache, nausea, and shaking are the classic symptoms. Sometimes, systolic (the upper number) blood pressure goes up, the heart beats faster than normal, and sweat glands overproduce — evidence that the “fight or flight” response is revved up. Some people become sensitive to light or sound. Others suffer a spinning sensation (vertigo). Find extra information at Hangover Drink.
Get Plenty of Sleep. Alcohol can cause sleep disturbances and may be associated with decreased sleep quality and duration for some individuals. Though low to moderate amounts of alcohol may initially promote sleep, studies show that higher amounts and chronic use can ultimately disrupt sleep patterns. While a lack of sleep does not cause a hangover, it can make your hangover worse. Fatigue, headaches and irritability are all hangover symptoms that can be exacerbated by a lack of sleep. Getting a good night’s sleep and allowing your body to recover may help alleviate symptoms and make a hangover more bearable.
The best drink to end your night with and your prescription for a better next day! You need to let loose, relax, and party sometimes; it’s scientific fact. Without relaxation and recreation, we lose our edge–and have way less fun. BUT. NOBODY wants that hangover. Sure, you can tough it out, but it really ruins your day. Who wants to lose part of their weekend to an aching head and an angry stomach? Or worse, who wants to go into work and try to function when you’ve got no energy and you feel wrecked all over. See even more info on