Best comic books online shopping right now

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Next up we have Action Comics #13. This issue features Superman’s first battle with Ultra Humanite. Flicking through to the centre of the comic, you’ll find a large centrefold piece advertising Superman #1. In 2011, the comic sold for $185,000, making it one of the most expensive comic books ever! In 2013, All American Comics #16 sold for a mind-boggling $203,150. Originally published in 1940, the book features the first ever appearance and origin story of Alan Scott, A.K.A, the Golden Age Green Lantern. The Green Lantern turned out to be a popular character, so his appearance in this issue significantly increases the price.

Beginning our top ten is a character that could have easily been a product of his time but grew to be far more. Luke Cage, the indestructible ex-con from Harlem was created during the Blaxploitation era of movies such as Shaft. When the popularity of this era wore off, Luke’s adventures could have been forgotten. However, his team up with Iron Fist (who was created to cash in on Kung-Fu movies) meant that the Heroes for Hire remained a visible presence for many years. For a long time, Luke represented the street-level of the Marvel Universe. An urban hero, Luke didn’t wear a mask and was a visible member of his community. But over time, he grew. An affair with Jessica Jones led to Jessica falling pregnant. Luke and Jess realized they had real feelings for each other and married, later they welcomed their baby, Danielle. Around the same time, Luke accepted membership into the New Avengers. Despite his reservations, he wanted to be a man his child could respect. In time, he even led the New Avengers after Cap’s death. Later still, he would lead an incarnation of the Thunderbolts.

Predicting when it’s going to rain, and especially where, can be tough, even with today’s technology. But what if it meant the difference between life and death? That’s the main idea behind Rain, a horror story by Joe Hill, written with David M. Booher and featuring art by Zoe Thorogood and colors by Chris O’Halloran. When razor-sharp crystalline nails replace wet water falling out of the sky, Honeysuckle and her girlfriend Yolanda have their lives turned upside down. But what does it mean for the rest of the planet? As theories swirl on who’s at fault, Honeysuckle must navigate a rapidly deteriorating world with little hope in sight. Thorogood’s art and O’Halloran’s colors feel comfortable, like home, and stand in stark contrast to the gruesome tale they tell. Discover extra information at