Very good GMAT test service for Chinese students? The GMAT test is essential for American MBA students. Applicants must submit GMAT scores if they want to apply to a business school ranked higher in the United States. Because of the fierce competition for candidates, the requirements for GMAT scores are getting higher and higher. Even if some applicants meet the minimum requirements, it is impossible to be admitted, and the GMAT score must be much higher than the minimum requirements. The GMAT test mainly includes four major contents: analytical writing, comprehensive reasoning, mathematics and Chinese. For Chinese students, the math part is relatively simple, while the other three parts are difficult. The GMAT test has a history of more than 60 years. On February 6, 1954, more than 1,000 people took the GMAT test for the first time in more than 100 places in the world. At that time, everyone could take the test for only $10, and only 54 business schools achieved GMAT scores. Currently, the computer-based GMAT test costs US$250, and if candidates want to send scores to five schools, they need to pay an additional US$28. During the year, GMAT tests are conducted in more than 600 locations in 113 countries/regions. More than 2,100 schools in the world require GMAT admission.
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For our chinese guests:
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