Best Among Us tips and tricks today

Top rated Among Us game tips 2022? There’s a lot of potential shenanigans that can go down in every round of Among Us. However, the objective is always the same: Crewmates must survive long enough to complete their tasks, while Impostors must pick them off one by one without exposing their real identities. This concept is simple but very effective at generating thrilling and exciting gameplay for everyone involved. Learn more about how to optimize your Among Us experience on PC. However, there’s quite a lot more to this game than meets the eye. Especially since, as a Crewmate, the tasks are often very simple and easy to complete. The real challenge of the game is reading other players’ behaviors in order to identify who’s the Impostor. Likewise, killing people as an Impostor only takes a single button press; the hard part is doing it without raising suspicion. Find extra info at among us.

Make sure you fake doing the tasks that aren’t visible: We mentioned some of the areas where tasks are visible in our previous article. As an impostor, you have to make sure to avoid those areas/tasks as far as possible. Have an alibi ready always. When accused on the chat, have something ready in your defence. If possible, try to make it as explanatory as possible. Suppose you say on chat that you were in a particular room when you were actually not and someone accuses you with proof, you are done for.

Playing an Impostor in Among Us can be a fun and daunting challenge, as it can be difficult to lie to friends and avoid doing something suspicious in view of another player. Impostors have access to a variety of special mechanics in the game. They can kill Crewmates, commit acts of sabotage in Among Us to make it harder for Crewmates to survive and complete tasks, and get a larger radius of vision around the map. They can also use the Vent system to quickly transport away from the scene of a crime or hide, making it easier to successfully fool Crewmates and win the game.

Among Us is a household name in the year 2022 and if you haven’t heard of the game yet then you must be on another planet of a spaceship (pun intended!). This extremely popular game is played by people of all age groups across the globe. It is based on the theme of a Murder-Mystery party and is played in a group of 4-10 players. It has also been listed as the “most-watched” game and has more than 3,00,000 viewers on gaming streams until now. Do you also play Among Us? Well, here are the top winning tips for Among Us game. Happy gaming!

For the imposters to win the game, they have to act like the crew and avoid raising any kind of suspicion. Being a good crewmate requires you to be perceptive and communicative. We have listed some ways which can help you win the game as an imposter or as a detective crewmate; all you need is to find out who is murdering and acting suspiciously. If you are moving with your crewmates, the imposters will not be able to assassinate you. Your priority is to avoid getting killed. If there is more than one imposter, you will need to move around in a group of five to avoid getting killed. But you also need to remember that imposters can multi-kill if they start working together. You need to look out for events which planned to deliberately kill crewmates in order to break the group.