EMV Level 2 testing and certifications firm? The Twist to EMV Certification. Any non-generic, custom-payment application, such as a point-of-sale system, is held to the same testing standards as a generic payment application for EMV certification. The testing falls on the developer of the payment application, but can significantly hold up businesses that need an EMV certified terminal. Wonder why so many businesses still swipe chip cards? It’s because companies are currently waiting up to one year for level 3 EMV certification. Palms sweating? Mind racing? Don’t stress. Even though EMV compliance is still a dream for most businesses, we have solutions available to you right now.
EMV Authorization Methods In addition to using the card in the merchant’s terminal to make a purchase, Chip and Signature requires a written signature like magnetic stripe transactions. Chip and PIN is used for debit cards and may also be used for credit cards. See smart card and gold chipped supercomputer.
If you are looking to migrate to EMV in the USA, please take a look at our more detailed EMV Page dedicated to U.S. EMV Migration. EMVCo published its latest EMV deployment figures in June 2016. In 2015, 35.8% of all chip card-present transactions – both contact and contactless – used EMV chip technology, this is up from 32% compared to 2014. There are now over 4.8 billion EMV payment cards in circulation, which is an increase of 1.4 billion in 2014.
Our aim is to help companies to complete EMV Level 2 and Level 3 contact and contactless certification smoothly and in a short time. We use any test tools that the client selected to test cards, terminals, hosts, and payment networks. We provide payment testing & certification services to assist stakeholders. We help your team to give real-time answers to technical, and non-technical EMV questions and subjects. Find more information on EMV payment training and consultancy services.