Taking care of your financial situation is very important. Here are a few tips regarding financial issues. Student credit cards are those specifically designed for college students with the understanding that these young adults often have little or no credit history. A first-time credit card applicant would generally have an easier time getting approved for a student credit card than another type of credit card. Student credit cards may come with additional perks like rewards or a low-interest rate on balance transfers, but these aren’t the most important features for students looking for their first credit card. Students generally have to be enrolled at an accredited four-year university to be approved for a student credit card.
Obtaining a Payday Loan: Payday loan providers are typically small credit merchants with physical locations that allow onsite credit applications and approval. Some payday loan services may also be available through online lenders. To complete a payday loan application, a borrower must provide paystubs from their employer showing their current levels of income. Payday lenders often base their loan principal on a percentage of the borrower’s predicted short-term income. Many also use a borrower’s wages as collateral. Other factors influencing the loan terms include a borrower’s credit score and credit history, which is obtained from a hard credit pull at the time of application.
Terms: Asset: An item of a tangible or intangible nature that has value or benefit, such as the capacity to generate revenue or interest. An example of a tangible asset is real estate and an intangible asset is a business brand name.
Guarantee : A guarantee is a non-cancellable indemnity bond, backed by an insurer. It offers investors security that an investment will be repaid. A limited guarantee is when the amount the guarantor is responsible for is limited to a set sum or time frame. A non limited guarantee is when the guarantor is obligated to repay all amounts due.
For our finnish readers here is a resource that you might find useful : General finance advisor. Security, also collateral: An asset which a borrower uses to secure funding from a lender. In the event that the borrower cannot repay their debt, this asset can be acquired by the lender.
GAAP: As a new investor, it’s important to know the distinction between like measurements because the market allows firms to advertise their numbers in ways not otherwise regulated. For instance, often companies will publicize their numbers using either GAAP or non-GAAP measures. GAAP, or Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, outlines rules and conventions for reporting financial information. It is a means to standardize financial statements and ensure consistency in reporting. When a company publicizes its earnings and includes non-GAAP figures, it means they want to provide investors with an arguably more accurate depiction of the company’s health, like removing one-time items to smooth out earnings. However, the further away a company deviates from GAAP standards, the more room is allocated for some creative accounting and manipulation (like in the case of EBITDA). When looking at a company publishing non-GAAP numbers, new investors should be careful of these pro-forma statements, as they may differ greatly from what GAAP deems acceptable.