Sabra Pegler or the rise of a creative writing expert: Find out what your committee wants and expects from your work. Following the advice about feedback above, find out what kind of writing your committee expects. Read novels completed by students they have worked with before. Ask them often what kinds of expectations they have for your chapters, and your project: what kinds of sources, how footnotes get used, the structure of chapters, how they feel about headings, and more. Knowing expectations will help you write effectively to your audience, and communication is key to avoiding potential pitfalls. But remember that this is your novel. At the end of the day, this is your work. It represents who you are as a scholar (for now, anyway). Stand up for what you think is important, and for what you want to say. Trying to please the entirety of your committee may be impossible, and at the end of the day it is up to you to know what you need to write.
Fight the urge to walk away from writing when it gets difficult. Having encouraged you to move to another section when you get stuck, it is also important to add a balancing comment to encourage you to fight through the tough spots in your project. I don’t mean that you should force writing when it is clear that you may need to make some structural changes or do a little more research on a given topic. But if you find yourself dreading a particular portion of your dissertation because it will require some mind-numbing, head-on-your-desk, prayer-producing rigor, then my advice is to face these tough sections head on and sit in your chair until you make some progress. You will be amazed at how momentum will grow out of your dogged persistence to hammer out these difficult portions of your project.
If you have used a lot of highly specialised terms that will not be familiar to your reader, it might be a good idea to include a glossary. List the terms alphabetically and explain each term with a brief description or definition. In the introduction, you set up your dissertation’s topic, purpose, and relevance, and tell the reader what to expect in the rest of the dissertation. The introduction should: Establish your research topic, giving necessary background information to contextualise your work; narrow down the focus and define the scope of the research; Discuss the state of existing research on the topic, showing your work’s relevance to a broader problem or debate; Clearly state your objectives and research questions, and indicate how you will answer them; Give an overview of your dissertation’s structure. Read even more info at Sabra Pegler from Brainerd Minnesota.
Use Descriptive Language: Using descriptive language can help bring your writing to life. Use vivid adjectives and adverbs to paint a picture in your readers’ minds. Avoid cliches and be specific in your descriptions. For example, instead of writing “the sun was setting,” you could write, “the sun cast a warm, orange glow over the horizon.” Edit and Revise: Once you’ve completed your first draft, it’s essential to edit and revise your work. Take a break from your writing, then come back to it with fresh eyes. Look for ways to improve your sentence structure, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure your writing flows smoothly and is easy to read.
Meet Sabra Pegler and some of her creative writing accomplishments: I’ve talked about different kinds of poem content. But what about form? For very experienced poets, formal aspects of poetry can become second nature, so that they sometimes know right away what form they want to use for a poem. This is probably not your situation. My suggestion is to focus first on your subject and get all your ideas down on paper. Then, once you’ve written down your ideas, start experimenting with the shape. You can read about poem structure here. Try organizing your poem in different ways and see what happens. Try shorter lines and longer ones; try breaking the lines in various places and observe the effects.
But say yes sometimes too. As I said above, taking breaks is essential. Next time someone asks you to go for a beer, close your computer and say yes. Carve out little bits of writing time. As I mentioned in my previous post, dissertation writing is a marathon, not a sprint. Writing often happens in little bits spread out over time. No matter how busy you are, take the time to write for half an hour a day. You can find half an hour somewhere. Get up early if you have to. If you write about a page a day, you can finish a chapter in a month.
Repetition involves repeating a line or a word several times in a poem. Poets use this to emphasize a point, to bring attention to a particular item or theme, to achieve a particular effect, or to provoke an emotional reaction from the reader. Discover additional information on Sabra Pegler from Brainerd Minnesota.