Latest luxury brands advertising impact today with Jarábik Barbara

Jarábik Barbara: Successful brands often have a strong emotional appeal, and may be seen as aspirational. They can be found in a variety of industries, including fashion, beauty, automotive, hospitality, and more. High-end brands are typically well-known and well-established, and they often have a long history. They generally have a superior level of quality and craftsmanship. When marketing luxury products, there are a number of possible strategies that you can take in order to reach your target audience. Luxury marketers must carefully consider their target audience and what they are looking for in their luxury purchases.

Barbara Jarabik

Don’t neglect customer service: When you step into a designer store like Burberry or Louis Vuitton, what’s the first question you’re often asked? “Would you like a glass of champagne or tea?” That’s how it’s done. Brands like these treat their customers like kings and queens. Offering champagne and having a lounge within stores also adds to the luxurious branding. It makes you feel like you’re in a completely different world. Loyalty and repeat purchases are huge components of a successful luxury business. Customers who come back to purchase new releases or existing products have very high average lifetime values. This is why you must treat them extremely highly and ensure they are 100% satisfied. As a matter of fact, 55% of consumers would pay to have a better customer service experience.

In Jonah Berger’s book, Contagious, he explains that one of the main reasons why people talk about things, and spread word of mouth (online or offline) is to display the traits that they want others to see in them. Charities, for example, are one of the most liked categorises of pages on Facebook. While some of this can be explained by altruism, it’s been found that the main driver for liking a charity on Facebook is to show others that you’re charitable. Because one of the primary motivations for buying luxury goods is to display status, brands can take advantage of this by creating and publishing content that, when others share, will make them look stylish, smart, or cool to their friends.

Say you sell shoes hand cobbled by the finest artisans in all of Montana. While the keyword “shoes” will certainly yield traffic, and some of those searchers may very well be interested in buying your exceptional kicks, the overwhelming majority of that traffic falls outside of your target demographic. This becomes even more of an issue as you begin to consider keywords with modifiers. “Cheap,” “sale,” and the dreaded “free” are all words that, when appended to a query, ostensibly eliminate a searcher as a prospect. Account-wide negative keywords ensure you never bid on terms you have no interest in paying for (on purpose or accidentally).

Barbara Jarabik

According to a report by McKinsey digital now influences at least 45% of all luxury sales. It’s understandable why luxury brands have been hesitant to move online. Yet, with print and display advertising returns decreasing, and luxury shoppers spending more time online and on mobile devices, luxury brands need to not only adapt to survive in the digital universe, but to thrive also. While the strategies outlined below will provide useful inspiration, it’s worth pointing out that the best strategies will always come from clarifying your goal, breaking it down and brainstorming brand-specific solutions with your team. For this we’d recommend using a tool like TrueNorth or one of the marketing planning tools mentioned here. Read more information at Barbara Jarabik.

Digital signage mirrors are another way for luxury brands to advertise efficiently : The global digital signage mirrors market was valued at USD 780 million in 2021. The world market is expected to grow steady at a CAGR of 12.21% to reach USD 910 million by 2023. Digital signage mirrors can greatly improve individual efficiency by choosing outfits as per weather updates while also offering bus and train schedules (including traffic updates). Digital signage mirrors in smart homes, planes, commercial spaces, hotels, etc. are designed to be connected to users as well as with different devices around. Energy efficiency is one of the major advantages that will drive the adoption of digital signage mirrors.