Premium Afrobeat music 2022 with Audu Maikori

Audu Maikori top rated African media right now? Meet Audu Maikori, a pioneer and promoter of Afrobeat music , media and entertainment Entrepreneur & entertainment lawyer focused on film, Esports and TV. Over the years I have learned to always listen to my instincts and that inner above every other voice , because the people telling you no, don’t know your vision and your capacity – if I had listened to all naysayers – I wouldn’t be here today- would probably be in some dreary job miserable as hell! Every business comes with its unique set of problems and that can be overwhelming but I had solid partners/ co -founders each with complementary skills and together we figured out the problems as they came – so partnership is key . But the key thing that kept us going was our collective ambition and vision which was to give African talent a place in the global conversation. I recall that in the beginning when we started the record label many people wrote us off- then didn’t believe in the music industry as being viable at the time( and rightly so) but It was very clear to us that it could be- and that faith in its potentials was worth risking everything to achieve that dream. I quit my job , relocated from Abuja to Lagos, Nigeria to focus on building the dream.

Audu Maikori is a multi-award-winning entrepreneur, lawyer and creative industry expert. He is better known as the founder of Chocolate City Group- a media /entertainment company which is comprised of Chocolate City Media (Film,TV and content production), Chocolate City Kenya, CCX (live music space) and Chocolate City Music record label – one of the biggest record labels in Africa – and home to some of Africa’s most talented artistes including Grammy Nominated Femi Kuti, M.I Abaga, Dice Ailes, Ckay, Blaqbonez etc. In March 2019, Chocolate City Group signed a landmark partnership deal with Warner Music Group (one of the biggest record labels in the world) to bring the Warner catalogue to Africa and promote the Chocolate City catalogue and artists across 60 new markets globally.

16 years later my role has changed significantly to that of providing guidance to the respective CEOs of the companies in the group ( CCX, Bean Agency, Chocolate City Music, Replete etc) and verticals, setting targets and strategic goals that align with the essence of our company and its core values. The journey wasn’t easy- when I started 16 years ago- the problem was money, know-how and building the right team- today the problems aren’t that much more different – it’s just increased in size and value – we need to make more money as the company grows bigger, we need to recruit the best hands to run the companies and you still need to keep building your knowledge of your industry and other related ones as they affect your bottom-line as well.

Audu Maikori: The idea was very basic. It was just to create opportunities for people, especially those from the North to get a chance to become stars as well. Because what I saw was that every major thing about music business was in Lagos. I found out that many people from the North had to go Lagos to become stars. So why not set up something that gives them a chance to become stars from where they are, so that they don’t have to travel to somewhere to become stars? And when I say ‘North’, I don’t mean Northerners by birth but by location. Because there are many people that live in the North but they are not Northerners. There are many people in Kaduna, for example, who came from Igbo land and Yoruba land but they’ve been there for many years. So the idea was to give those people a platform to realize their dreams.

It’s been a busy last few weeks for Group CEO of Chocolate City Entertainment, Audu Maikori. Our CEO lifted the curtain on his personal experience of the event. These were our favourite takeaways: The changing perception of music and business in Africa. The overwhelming sentiment regarding African music and musicians as a whole, Audu shared, is one of excitement and intrigue.

Mr. Maikori stated, “I am truly honored and excited about joining ESAIYO Inc and working with such a visionary team to help solve everyday problems using blockchain technology, interconnectivity of objects and the power of storytelling . I believe that SIO’s are the future. In my view, the ground breaking work ESAIYO is doing has the potential to redefine numerous industries across the globe.” Audu Maikori is a Nigerian lawyer, entrepreneur, social activist, public speaker and creative industry expert. He hails from Southern Kaduna, Kaduna State. He is the Founder of one of the biggest record label and entertainment companies in Africa, Chocolate City. The label is well-known for producing popular artistes such as M.I Abaga, Ice Prince, Jesse Jagz, Jeremiah Gyang, Djinee, Brymo, Femi Kuti, Ckay and Blaq Bonez, just to mention a few. Find additional details at Audu Maikori.