Ways to get extra cash tricks with investment expert Farrukh Kazmi? Interested in generating passive income? You need a website. It’s THE way to make money while you sleep. Starting a website with Bluehost takes less than 20 minutes, costs hardly anything and can be done by an 82 year-old. It only takes a bit of plugging on social media to get your first visitors, and there are plenty of ways to monetise your site. Save the Student is just one example of a successful website, started at university by Owen Burek in his first year, which has since grown into a full-time and sizable enterprise. Read Owen’s step-by-step guide on how to start a website in 20 minutes. It’s really one of the best assets you can have.
There are both advantages and disadvantages to every investment. If you are opposed to holding physical gold, buying shares in a gold mining company may be a safer alternative. If you believe gold could be a safe bet against inflation, investing in coins, bullion, or jewelry are paths that you can take to gold-based prosperity. Lastly, if your primary interest is in using leverage to profit from rising gold prices, the futures market might be your answer, but note that there is a fair amount of risk associated with any leverage-based holdings. (For related reading, see “Has Gold Been a Good Investment Over the Long Term?”).
We all know the saying ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, but it’s particularly important to apply this rule when investing. Spreading your money across a range of different types of assets and geographical areas means you won’t be depending too heavily on one kind of investment or region. That means if one of them performs badly, hopefully some of your other investments might make up for these losses, although there are no guarantees. If you’re looking for new investment opportunities and are willing to accept greater risk in exchange for the potential of greater returns, then investing and trading in stocks, also called equities, may be right for you. Create an investment strategy & build a balanced portfolio aligned to your investment goals. Start your search for the investments that may be right for you with our powerful independent research. Manage your portfolio with access to your online trading account. Farrukh Kazmi is the founder of A&S Asset Management, I am committed to helping people achieve financial freedom by bringing Wall Street experience to the local investor.
An ETF can own hundreds or thousands of stocks across various industries, or it could be isolated to one particular industry or sector. Some funds focus on only U.S. offerings, while others have a global outlook. For example, banking-focused ETFs would contain stocks of various banks across the industry. Bond ETFs might include government bonds, corporate bonds, and state and local bonds—called municipal bonds. Industry ETFs track a particular industry such as technology, banking, or the oil and gas sector. Commodity ETFs invest in commodities including crude oil or gold. Currency ETFs invest in foreign currencies such as the Euro or Canadian dollar. Inverse ETFs attempt to earn gains from stock declines by shorting stocks. Shorting is selling a stock, expecting a decline in value, and repurchasing it at a lower price.
How should you go about finding the right advisor? The first step is to figure out what sort of professional financial help you need. Like many people, some of your deepest financial thinking comes at tax time. So if you just want someone to dole out tax advice and preparation, a good old Certified Public Accountant (CPA) will probably suffice. That CPA may or may not also be a financial advisor. All of our brokerage accounts are held and available for viewing at National Financial Services, a Fidelity Investments Company. Registered Representative of and securities offered through Berthel Fisher & Company Financial Services, Inc. (BFCFS). Member FINRA/SIPC. A&S Asset Management and BFCFS are independent entities. Read additional information at Farrukh Kazmi.
You save the most money by paying down your highest interest rate debt first, no matter what type of debt that it is. Credit card debt is bad debt because the interest rates are typically so high, often 20%+ or more. Credit cards make financial institutions a lot of money because most people don’t pay off their debt each month, so the debt grows. Student loan debt is somewhere between good debt and bad debt depending on 1) the interest rate 2) if you’ve used student loans to fund a degree that helped you get a job or a more lucrative career. If you haven’t yet taken out student loans, it’s worth thinking really hard about whether or not they’re worth it. If you’ve already taken out student loans and the interest rate if above 5% then you should consider student loan refinancing and other ways for you to reduce student loan debt.
In previous years, increased wealth of emerging market economies boosted demand for gold. In many of these countries, gold is intertwined into the culture. India is one of the largest gold-consuming nations in the world; it has many uses there, including jewelry. As such, the Indian wedding season in October is traditionally the time of the year that sees the highest global demand for gold (though it has taken a tumble in 2012.) In China, where gold bars are a traditional form of saving, the demand for gold has been steadfast.