Meet Nick Ayton and some of his tech business ideas

Nick Ayton and the climb of a blockchain thought leader… A worldwide well respected tech thought leader, Nick works with executives to help them overcome the complex nature of new technologies that include Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, QuantumAI, Nano Materials, VR and Blockchain, as opportunities and threats for business operating model improvement, customers and the top line growth.

Nick Ayton on the crypto generation: In the sixties, people were tired of the stiff society of their parents who lived through the scarcity of the war years and whose own parents brought them up with draconian Victorian attitudes that forced people to suppress their feelings and encouraged the people to blindly follow the rules without question. This retentive society spawned a new generation who saw the opportunity to make their own way in the world, to break free and not have to follow the rules of the past. Rules decided by the hierarchy of a class system where the ‘establishment’ designed the politics of the time to retain control and limit democracy, just enough to extract more from the people to stockpile wealth.

Nick Ayton has spent more than 4 decades in technology, trasforming businesses and deploying the latest tech for competitive advantage. He has the knack of making the complex feel familiar and gets to the issue quickly. He gets you thinking and helps you take action, to have the right plans in place for what is to come. With 21 million, Nick is experimenting with a new film finance model, using cryptocurrencies, where all staff are treated the same regardless of gender, creed, and beliefs. Everyone who joins the team will earn more than on any other comparable production because they will be paid not only a fair daily rate, but bonus 21 Million coins too. This approach also means that the crew is guaranteed to receive the same crypto value independently of where they live. Also, all 21M Coin holders receive royalties from income at exactly the same time. There will be no such thing as “first position”. 21M Coin represents a contractual right to receive a royalty derived from the sale of 21Million content – the TV series. Early investors buying 21MCoin during the ICO will be entitled to receive royalties in perpetuity for Season 1 and follow on seasons.

It all happens very quickly… We remember Blockbuster but forget what really happened. A bricks and mortar business selling (renting) video cassettes and later DVDs was replaced by online consumption of video content (streamlining) as the Web became more efficient, faster, and as bandwidth increased as technology advanced time and again. It was technological advancement. And now Netflix is 30% of all Internet traffic. The sight of the Nokia CEO with his head in his hands where he said ‘but we did nothing wrong’ was astounding. Yet he single handedly failed to see a storm coming and Nokia went from market leader to gone in just a few years, as they failed to see the smart phone revolution being cooked up by Mr Jobs over at Apple. Shareholder value never recovered and investors lost billions. All because management failed to have a plan for what was coming – that was then and Blockchain is now not only coming, it is already here… Discover even more details at Nick Ayton.

“Nick is one of the few people that can explain the complex so I can immediately grasp its importance.” We specialise on decentralised operating models and have created a set of tools and methodologies for design and deployement. Nick is number 21 on the Rise Top100 Blockchain people and Global Fintech 100 influencers of 2017. He is an author, speaker and educator and well known Blockchain evangelist. Nick has a background in computer science, has had 8 tech start ups and held a range of corporate roles in the technology services sector including running a €6.6billion P&L with 66,000 staff working for Siemens, CapGemini, CSC amongst others.

NickAyton on crypto app tokes : Our London Correspondent Nick Ayton, the Sage of Shoreditch, explores a new truth serum often overlooked, called the App Token. Also known as the Utility Token, it will change more lives than any other form of token. There’s often so much time and attention spent focusing on security tokens that deliver specific things (returns) for investors, founders and users in different ways. Security tokens also provide an on/off ramp into and out of the crypto world. However, we often forget the real transformational star is in fact the App (Utility) Token and not the Security Token.