Parenting guides by Marissa Anastasi: Strategy! Always have a strategy. Keep it simple, achievable and be prepared to do anything like rebranding an experience. For example, shopping is now a treasure hunt or at dinner, if they don’t eat it at first, rearrange their food on the plate and it is instantly rebranded and magically eaten! Strategy is key in our household. Follow your intuition. The most valuable thing you can give your children is your love and time. Show them love and respect and they will grow to do the same for others.
Get Back into Exercise at Your Own Pace. “When you’re cleared to exercise, that doesn’t mean you should jump right back in at the same pace you were before,” according to Scott. “To start, keep your fitness goals small, manageable, and realistic for you. And remember that every bit counts—whether that’s going for a walk with your family or squeezing in a quick naptime workout.” Sleep. “Sleep like you’re not going to sleep for the next three years,” Auerbach urges. “Allow people to help you. If someone offers to bring food or watch your baby so you can nap it’s most likely they’ve been in your shoes. Don’t attempt to be Superwoman. You already are. You created and birthed a baby,” she continues.
Talk to them as if they are intelligent individuals. Talk to your children as if they are intelligent individuals. Don’t talk down to them. Ask their opinion on things. “Should we take Fido on our vacation with us or do you think he would be happier staying with grandma?” Make major purchases such as cars, homes and major appliances family decisions instead of just adult decisions. Encourage your children to offer input regarding family situations and ASK their opinion. When they give it to you, even if it sounds juvenile to you, don’t discount it, seriously consider it, ask questions and find the value in it. It is their opinion and input, there is always value in it. Read a few extra details on Parenting blog.
Seeing the world through their eyes! As adults we are always in a rush but kids stop to see the tiniest bugs, to the cloud formations. They really make me slow down to appreciate things I take for granted. It’s so special seeing them experience the world for the first time and seeing them appreciate the simplest of things. The moment when your child does something kind, completely unprompted. It reminds me that everything I am trying my hardest to teach them every day is actually slowly going in. It gives me hope for the future!
Since Kenny was born, I had been a stay at home mummy until Isabella was 4 which is when I started teaching younger kids. I done that for 2 years but after my 3rd pregnancy, I never went back and decided to become a stay at home mummy once again. Now my youngest is 5 and 6, I decided I could maybe begin something new again. And so, in Late November 2018, I opened the doors to a kid’s concept store in Larnaca town centre. It’s difficult combining family and work, and sometimes the guilt is immense, but I have a lot of support from my husband when it comes to the children. Read even more info on